The Description of Learn Minna Nihongo A-Z(iMina)
iMina is application for Japanese students, that assists you with learning Minnano Nihongo (みんなの日本語) quicker and more straightforward
Fundamental Elements:
Brimming with reading material Minnano Nihongo I, II (Jargon, Language, Kanji, Kaiwa, RenshuuB, Renshuu C, Mondai, Tuning in… )JLPT N5~N1 (Brimming with jargon, language structure, kanji, test)
More than 20.000 example sentences with elocutionEvery illustration has loads of models, elocution, practices joined
Incorporate different word referencesIncorporate 512 Kanji with picturesHelp to learn jargon, language structure, kanji rapidly by streak card, by test, by models…Help to actually listen Japanese Appreciate iMina. I trust it’s useful for you!